Friday, February 6, 2009

Cabbage Rolls

This may be cheating, but we just tried a new recipe that I got from for cabbage rolls. We've been trying some new meals and this one was pretty good. It was nice to put it in the crockpot and just have it ready at dinner time. We had it with a green salad. (I would double the sauce recipe)


Kristen said...

two questions: does the cabbage taste cabbagey after being cooked in the crockpot all day? (my kids aren't huge fans of cabbage.) and do they taste worcestshirey at all? (braden doesn't like worcestershire. i on the other hand could drink it straight!)

Betsy said...

Not too cabbagey--although the house did smell cabbagey. The worcestershire is not too strong..if you double the sauce recipe, you could keep the amount of worcestershire the same, and I bet they'd be good. Ps...we're having your minestrone soup tonight!