Sunday, January 18, 2009

Microwaved Cocoa Cake

This one's just a quicky, and unfortunately I just devoured the evidence so there's nothing left to photograph. I read about this on the internet a while back and tried it...It's not the finest chocolate cake I've ever had, but it might help you kill twenty minutes with the kids. I (unsurprisingly) replaced the egg in mine with 1 T ground flax.

2 packets hot cocoa mix
2 T flour
1 egg
1 T vegetable oil
splash of water

Mix all in microwave safe mug. Nuke on high for 2 minutes. Run a knife around the edge and it should just pop out.

edit: Psyche! I totally still have a photo from when I made it before. Apologies for the blurriness.

1 comment:

Shelene said...

Seriously? Cake in a mug?!!! I'm going to have to try this one. :)