Monday, July 14, 2008

My camera has been lost for about two weeks. Well, not really lost, but misplaced. It was put away in one of my 37 bags and buried in my closet. So, although I don't have photo evidence, we've been having a fun summer.
My birthday was about a month ago and I was feeling pretty sorry for myself because Dave had to be out of town on the mark of my first quarter-century. Of course I got over it pretty quickly since my friend Jenny came over and we had a little movie-watching luau after Harrison went to bed. And then the next night the Smith's and the Allison's came over to help me was a fun weekend. A week or so later we headed north for Dave's family reunion. It was fun to see all of his cousins and their families. One night while we were there we left Harrison with his Grandma and Great Grandma and went camping for the night.

I was not as prepared as I should have been, so we had to make our fire and set up the tent in the dark. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it really was dark outside. We eventually got it together and toasted some delicious marshmallows.

Although there are no pictures of him, Harrison is doing great too...I'll put some up here soon. He's tottering all over the place these days...with plenty of cuts and bruises to prove it. He is pretty huge...he wore a size 2T shirt to church yesterday...and I'm afraid we may run out of diapers that fit before he's potty trained:) His dad gave him his first buzz cut the other day and it has finally grown back out enough that he doesn't look totally bald. We just finished swim lessons, which he loved, and have been going to the park a ton, now that he likes climbing around on the equipment. I can't believe his first birthday is only a few weeks away!

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